Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 Art Walk Aurora.
Visit us on Sunday, September 14, 2025 —historic downtown Aurora will transform into the area’s liveliest arts scene—and here’s your chance to be part of it. Art Walk Aurora’s 12th Annual juried art show will feature the work of more than 20 visual artists. Free to the public.
Click here to complete the artist application.
- All artists 18 years of age or younger must have a parent or guardian in their booth.
- All works must be original and created by the artist.
- Commercially manufactured items or items produced from commercial kits or molds may not be exhibited.
- All artists must go through a jury process to be accepted in the Art Walk. Only fine art and fine craft submissions will be considered. We not only consider your work, but the jury makes an effort to have a good selection of various artists’ media that will appeal to a variety of art patrons.
- A jury selects the participating artists and can approve, or refuse submitted works.
- Artists must be present and show their work throughout the entire event from 10 am – 4 pm.
- Locations are assigned by the Art Walk Aurora executive committee.
DEADLINE Friday, June 6, 2025
Artists whose applications are postmarked after Friday, June 6, 2025 will be considered only if space is available, All event fees will be returned to applicants not selected. The artist space fee is refundable for any cancellation received in writing by July 30.
- Complete the application using Adobe Acrobat.
- Enclose a check for the $40 artist space fee.
Required with application. - Email an artist statement/biography of 200 words or less.
Describe your technique, materials, and the processes used to create your artwork. This information will be published on the Art Walk Aurora Facebook page and website. The images may be edited before publication. - Artist images must be less than 2 Mb in JPG or PNG.
- Files must include artist name and title of artwork.
- Complete the online application OR email application, images and artist statement to
- Mailed application packets must include the application and check for the artist space fee. The artist statement application packets must be postmarked no later than Friday, June 6, 2025 and mailed to:
P.O. BOX 34, AURORA, NE 68818
Click here to complete the artist application.
Artists will be notified of acceptance by email no later than Friday, June 20, 2025.