Artists – FAQs

Where is my booth space?


What is the eligibility criteria for participating artists?

  • All artists under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian in the booth.
  • All works must be original and created by the artist.
  • Artists must be present and show their work throughout the entire event from 10 am – 4 pm.
  • All artists must have artwork for sale.
  • Commercially manufactured items or items produced from commercial kits or molds may not be exhibited.
  • All artists must go through a jury process to be accepted in the Art Walk. Only fine art and fine craft submissions will be considered. We not only consider your work, but the jury makes an effort to have a good selection of various artistic media that will appeal to a variety of art patrons.
  • A jury selects the participating artists and can approve, or refuse submitted works.

When can I sign-up and what is the application deadline?

Artist application is open now and will close Friday, June 6, 2025. Applications are not considered until the completed form and application fee have been received at our office.

What is the format of the day?

The 2025 event will be held in the courthouse lawn.

This is the 12th Annual Art Walk. Artist check-in is 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. at the check in table. You will receive your artist information for the day and an opportunity to network with the host committee and other artists.

Artists are asked to be checked in t no later than 8:45 a.m. to set up your exhibit space and to ensure that you have what is needed prior to the start of the event.

The event is free and open to the public from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Artists must be at your booth during this time. Booth sitters will be available.

What is the cost to participate as an artist?

Application is $40 for artists whose application is postmarked by Friday, June 6, 2025.

Artists whose applications are postmarked after Friday, June 6, 2025, and will be considered only if space is available. All event fees will be returned to applicants not selected.

How do I apply for Art Walk Aurora?

You can sign up by completing the application form and mailing in the application with your $40 application check.

The application form can be found at artist-application or by clicking here: Participate in Art Walk Aurora

The application page of the website has a PDF form to be fill out on the computer (if you have Adobe software on your computer) or you may print the form and handwrite it. Mailed application packets must include your completed application and a check for $40. Applications must be postmarked no later than June 6, 2025, and mailed to:

P.O. BOX 34, AURORA, NE 68818

How do I pay for my application?

We accept checks mailed to the address listed above.

Where will I be located?

Artists will be paired with a specific host location which will be communicated in advance, so the artist and host have the opportunity to coordinate space needs and details prior to the Art Walk.

Can I co-locate with other artists?

Each site application covers one artist and one non-artist person to accompany you for assistance. The non-artist companion may not create or sell any artwork or would be required to submit a separate application form and fee. We have limited sites that will accommodate more than one artist and each artist is required to submit an individual application. The booth space fee is spent directly on each participating artist for social media advertising and one meal voucher.

How will I know when my application has been accepted?

Artists will be notified of acceptance by email no later than Friday, June 20, 2025.

Do I need to submit any additional information once my application is accepted?

Yes. After your application is accepted, artists are asked to submit the following information via email or mail:

  • Email your logo (if applicable)
  • Email an artist statement/biography of 200 words or less. (Describe your technique, materials, and the processes used to create your artwork)
  • Email your photograph and any images of your artwork that you wish to include , sized to less than 2 Mb.

This information will be published on the Art Walk Aurora Facebook page and web site. The images may be edited before publication. Emailed information should be sent to

Note: Artists are not required to submit this information, but attendees often visit the website and Facebook page to determine the route they will take the day of the event. Often the artists with a biography and/or photographs see higher foot traffic to their space.

How do I submit my logo, photographs and artist information to be included on the website, Facebook page and other promotions?

Artists should email your logo, biography, artist photo and artwork images to

What if I have to cancel my application?

The artist space fee is refundable for any cancellation received in writing by July 30. 

Will restrooms and food be available during the event?

You are welcome to bring a beverage and food if you wish. For artists who do not have someone there with them, we will have someone available to assist with bringing lunch to you if you wish. If you have help and wish to leave while your partner covers the spot, we have three restaurants within one block of the Art Walk. 

Is Art Walk Aurora free to the public?


What type of promotion will be involved with this event?

This event will be promoted in many ways and is a cooperative effort. All artists are encouraged to invite your patrons and promote the event on your website and social media page.

The coordinating committee will promote the event through several avenues to include:

  • Event website ( and social media page (Art Walk Aurora, NE)
  • Regional newspaper ads and articles and regional magazine ads
  • Radio and television event listings
  • Marquees around town
  • Facebook paid advertising
  • Facebook boost for each artist post for a value of $20.

 Are there sponsorship opportunities available?

Yes, there are! You can promote your business and receive excellent brand awareness through advertising opportunities with the Art Walk Aurora event. We have opportunities for businesses to become sponsors of the event. We provide a variety of sponsor benefits. Inquire to find out more about sponsorship opportunities!